Safety Data Sheets & Labels

Product Name HSNO Number ACVM Number
20R Rodent Bait HSR001612 V009014 Download SDS Download Label
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50D Rat Bait HSR001596 V009533 Download SDS Download Label
Alphachloralose Powder HSR007750 V009536 Download SDS Download Label
Bird Control Paste HSR001600 V004001 Download SDS Download Label
Brodifacoum Possum Bait HSR001612 V004991 Download SDS Download Label
Brodifacoum Possum Bait with bait station Included HSR001612 V004991 Download SDS Download Label
DECAL Possum Bait HSR007891 V009500 Download SDS Download Label
DRC 1339 (Starlicide) Powder HSR001611 V002624 Download SDS Download Label
Exterminator Paste – 1080 HRE000001 V009174 Download SDS Download Label
Hi-Strength Possum Bait HSR001594 V006052 Download SDS Download Label
Magtoxin fumigant pills HSR006134 P003380 Download SDS Download Label
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Possum and Rodent Pellets – 1080 HSR002424 V002848 Download SDS Download Label
Prodeer Possum + Rat Bait – 1080 HSR002424 V009653 Download SDS Download Label
Pronature Possum and Rodent Pellets HSR002424 V009686 Download SDS Download Label
Rabbit Control Pellets 0.04% 1080 HSR002422 V003785 Download SDS Download Label
Rodent Blocks HSR001612 V005099 Download SDS Download Label
Rodent Pellets HSR001612 V005137 Download SDS Download Label
Treated Barley HSR001599 V003622 Download SDS Download Label
Treated Peas HSR001599 V003282 Download SDS Download Label
Treated Wheat HSR001599 V002611 Download SDS Download Label
Wallaby pellets 0.2% 1080 HSR002424 V002538 Download SDS Download Label
Waxed Possum Bait HSR001612 V005136 Download SDS Download Label